3PB Podcasts
Legal updates and comments from some of the UK's leading lawyers from 3PB Barristers.
3PB Podcasts
What to consider when making a Will
3PB Barristers
Hatti Suvari and 3PB barrister Lydia Pemberton talk about who can make a Will, and why you should make a Will, whether you can make a joint Will with your partner, and the pros and cons of making a joint Will.
Find out whether or not you need a lawyer to make your Will, or whether you could write your Will yourself, under which circumstances a Will could be null and void, and whether you can exclude someone close to you from your Will.
This Podcast is for people of all ages, and at all stages of life. Give yourself the insight in to this important and personal subject of making a Will.
#Wills #probate #makingawill #legalassistance #contestedprobate #probate #inheritence #executor #jointwills